Also /var/www is empty but it's referenced a few times below with further paths. Specifically where it says "volumes" I think is where I need to edit and add a path.

I think what I am asking is a general help question. I'm not looking for specific app support.
I am looking for how to get to a specific file to edit it. from a PC? I can only seem to access the appdata folder. Is there a way to access the folder containing bin, boot, mnt, run, etc.

Plex will the contents of your /mnt/user/movies folder in a folder called /Poopiesnort. There is also no need to give the thing the samen name, you can map /Poopiesnort to /mnt/user/movies without a problem. In linux it is a best practice to mount external file systems under a folder called "/mnt", there is however no technical need to do it and mounting directly in the root works just fine. In the second next configuration field you can actually select the physical unraid folder. In the docker container you need to configure how you want this share in the docker to be called, lets say you call it "movies", then you can just say that it is called "/movies". You can see it as a mount command (not the same, but it is like it). you need to "map" drives from unraid to plex. Now when you start a docker container (say plex), then plex will not have access to your files, plex will only see its own files. So say you have an unraid share called "media", then there will be path in unraid that is: It's much safer to interact with the shares over the network from your client machines, after all, Unraid is primarily a NAS, Network Attached Storage.Īll folders in your unraid array are mapped as follows: I'd recommend browsing around but not copying or especially moving files until you get more knowledge of what you are seeing. Type mc at the prompt for a simple file manager. If you want to view and interact with the actual server, you need to use the console, either locally or logging in with ssh or the web gui terminal. You are not seeing what is actually on the server root, you are seeing the "local computer" that is the docker container. Think of that view as a separate computer, with the unraid flashdrive, shares, and unassigned devices connected to their respective folders. It likely won't mess up your server, but you will be very confused about what you are seeing. I suspect what you are seeing is perfectly fine, but if you don't get your head around WHY you are seeing it that way, you are going to have a bad time if you try to interact with anything but the unraid_ folders in that view. What you see there is NOT the actual server paths, only what is mapped in the container configuration. I very seriously doubt that the real path is as shown, because it looks to me like you are viewing the contents of a docker container, likely krusader. My share folder is located in my root (as shown in the attachment),